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اوقات الصلاة حسب التوقيت المحلي لمدينة الرياض الفجر 5:17 ص الشروق 6:39 ص الظهر 12:01 م العصر 3:01 م المغرب 5:23 م العشاء 6:53 م
تعلن إدارة المنتدى عن بدء المسابقة الرياضية الكبرى الجزء الاول المسابقة في قسم الترفيه منتدى الميابقات والالغاز للذهاب الى المسابقة على هذه الوصلة


 Zoo Tycoon 2 Cheats

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اوسمة : Zoo Tycoon 2 Cheats  22985

الدولة : العراق
الجنس : ذكر الابراج : الاسد الأبراج الصينية : الثور
عدد المساهمات : 467
نقاط : 24394
السٌّمعَة : 9
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/01/2012
العمر : 27

Zoo Tycoon 2 Cheats  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Zoo Tycoon 2 Cheats    Zoo Tycoon 2 Cheats  I_icon_minitime9/2/2012, 10:11 pm

Run in Zoo Guest Mode:
Hold the cursor forward and the Left mouse button to run.

Free Zoo Mode Extras:
At the start of a game in any Zoo mode (Challenge, Campaign or Freeform) Left click items you want like trees, flower beds, benches, etc. And move them to where you want them. Doing this saves money when you are on a tight budget.

Increase Starting Money in Challenge Mode:
Place the pointer over the 'Up' button that increases your money but do not click it then by pressing the 'Up' key on the keyboard your money will increase twice as fast.

Recycle Bins:
You have to pick up recycle bin trash yourself as Maintenance workers do not do it.

2 get a quagga, you need 2 put a zebra & a ptrezwalskiz wild horse of the diffrent sex into a grassland place and with any luck you will get a quagga!

First you must choose savanah zoo and then close your zoo ,after that put as many savanah animals as you can.If you want to feed the herbivore animals easy : put a gazzele and give the gazzele a hay and put the hay on a grass.Don't worry with your your carnivore animals if it hungry it will kill the herbivore and eat it ...oh I almost forgot if your animals thirsty just make a shallow water near them

First you must choose savanah zoo and then close your zoo ,after that put as many savanah animals as you can.If you want to feed the herbivore animals easy : put a gazzele and give the gazzele a hay and put the hay on a grass.Don't worry with your your carnivore animals if it hungry it will kill the herbivore and eat it ...oh I almost forgot if your animals thirsty just make a shallow water near them

Buy a female zebra and a male peafowl put them in a tundra terran and keep them in there for a while with a polar bear and 9 male penguins. After a while the zebra should give birth to a unicorn and pegasus.

For the following cheats, give a guest given name:

Ghost animals=jozzthegr8
Make guests angels and/or devils=tasmanian
Buy baby animals=celine
Turn guests into animals=trapped earl

For extra money hold down the shift key while holding the number four.(It might work in other zoo tycoon games.) But you only get about $25 every 5 seconds.

When you start a new game as the first person walks in the zoo and change his name into Dinoman then go to the animal selection and there will be dinosaurs. (it may work in other zoo tycoon games to.)
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Zoo Tycoon 2 Cheats
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